IHC for HER is dedicated to empowering the survivors of sexual trafficking through education and vocational training, and keeping our children safe through awareness.

Our heritage has taught us to lend a helping hand, to improve the life of an individual in need – in this case it would be the trafficked victim. Hundreds and thousands of sexually trafficked victims suffer in silence, continuing to live a life of indignity. As a part of our mission, we pledge to fight this odious and dehumanizing reality — by Rescuing, Rehabilitating, Reintegrating and Empowering, the victims of human trafficking, giving them a second chance at life.


In India, we rely on strong collaborative partnerships, with existing shelter homes,  to set up educational and training programs that empower the victims to live a life filled with hope and unimagined opportunities.

While our focus in India is primarily serving the trafficked survivor there, our bigger focus is on global awareness so every child of any ethnicity becomes adept at identifying prospective danger and navigating their way out of it.

The stories of trafficked children and women have inspired the necessity for IHC For Her. Their plight must be heeded and a new beginning delivered.