The internet has been both a blessing and a curse. It can be a great source of knowledge and a way to stay connected to others. However, it has also opened the door to sinister groups like human traffickers. As technology advances, so do the activities of those who use it for nefarious purposes.

At IHC For Her, we strive to create awareness to protect children from traffickers. Human trafficking is a heartbreaking issue that has moved online. Furthermore, modern technology provides traffickers and other criminals the ability to move around the world with ease and remain undetected.

Parents should discuss online safety with their children by utilizing one of the many excellent resources available online. We are hosting an event featuring Author Tom Kersting, where he discusses his book “Raising Healthy Teenagers.” Join the event to be educated on the practical ways to discuss the issue, protect your kids online, and be a part of the solution. Get more details about Tom Kersting at

Understanding the Red Flags

Human traffickers often disguise themselves as someone your child can trust easily. They typically begin their connection with the victim through social media, then quickly switch to more private messaging.

You can instruct your child to recognize potential trafficking attempts by educating them on the following signs:

Frequent Compliments

If a new connection online is giving a lot of compliments to make you feel special or emphasizing your physical appearance, then it might be time to stay alert and not give too much attention.

Valuable Gifts

If someone is offering things that appear too good to be true, like a job offer or expensive gifts with no strings attached, it could be a trafficker. They typically promise material goods or jobs that they later use to control and exploit people.

Promise Of A Better Life

Be cautious when an online connection overly empathizes with you when you have opened up about your struggles, such as difficulties with your family or quarrels with your friends, and offers to assist with solving your issues. They try to connect with you emotionally by pledging to protect you and provide you with a more fulfilling life with them.

Distance You From Your Family

When you express frustration with your family, the traffickers most likely makes you believe they are the only one who truly cares, while your parents, siblings, or other family members or friends do not. They also will give you options to move in with them and leave your close friends and family.

Keep Your Children Safe

We understand not every flattery is a trafficking attempt. However, it doesn’t hurt to be cautious.. Creating boundaries for kids when they interact online is essential. However, the most effective way to protect them from potential trafficking attempts is to provide them with a loving and supportive home environment, as well as ensure they have a safe adult to turn to when in a challenging situation. Visit for more information.

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